Remix Culture
Open Type
“Copyright law has got to give up its obsession with 'the copy.'"
― Lawrence Lessig, Remix:
Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy
Copyleft is for free creativity which allows anyone to access it, wether it be for their own personal benefit or the benefit of the community.It allows the right to distribute copies and modify versions of a work, which then demand the same rights to be conserved in modified versions. This allows work to be freely available and requires all modified and extended versions of the program to be free as well.

It is a form of licensing that can be used to maintain copyright conditions. It is often used for works such as computer software, documents and art.
Copyright is a legal concept that is passed by most governments. It gives the author or the creator of original work the exclusive rights to use it and to enable the creator to get compensated for their work. This also gives the copyright holder the right to be credited for their work. Their work is a form of intellectual property.
RiP!: A Remix Manifesto is an open source documentary created by Brett Gaylor about copyright and the remix culture. It features the works of hundreds of people who have sent their remix's on which is a site created by Gaylor himself. The leading role in the documentary is that of Gregg Gillis who is known as the mash up artist, Girl Talk.
Remix culture is a society that allows and encourages remixed work that is made by merging or editing existing materials of a product to make a new one. With remix culture there has been many issues regarding copyright laws and the owner of the video. A supporter of the remix culture was Lawrence Lessig who wanted reduced legal restrictions on copyright and trademark.
Final Project
Final Project
Module: Authorship & Interaction
Ba (Hons) Graphic Communication Design
University of Westminster

Bhavika Gajipra
Remix Culture