Remix Culture
Open Type
Inkscape is a specialized open source vector graphics software which is a member of the Software Freedom Conservancy, a non-profit organization. Many design professionals and hobbyists use it worldwide. It is used for a wide variety of graphics such as illustrations, icons, logos, diagrams, maps and web graphics. The drawing tools in Inkscape are comparable to those of Adobe Illustrator. The software is able import and export various file formats including SVG, AI, EPS, PDF, PS and PNG. It has a simple interface and is designed for the user to be able to customize the functionality with add-ons.
Inkscape workshop
By Rob Canning
Rob Canning a composer and network artist gave a talk about what open source software is. He explained to us the copyleft attitude, which I have talked about previously on my Remix page. He also introduced us to “FLOSS + ART”, Inkscape and Ardunio.

“FLOSS + Art critically reflects on the growing relationship between Free Software ideology, open content and digital art.”(Mansoux, de Valk, 2008: 4) It offers views into the social, political and economic myths and realities.
Rob Canning
For this Inkscape task, we were asked to create and design boxes that would be used for laser cutting. For this, we were given the site Once i generated my box, i then downloaded it as an .svg file and opened it to be designed in Inkscape.
Below are some screen shots that i have taken for my case design.
I designed my case plan on a floral type design. The main tools that i used were the Bezier Tool, Freehand tool and the Calligraphy Tool. These tools allowed me to come up with the design above. I then saved this as a Desktop Cutting Plotter (R13)(*.dxf) file so that it would be ready for laser cutting.

Overall I enjoyed this workshop as I was introduced to a new program, i felt that it was very similar to Adobe Illustrator once you understood the basic tools and the template of Inkscape.
Final Project
Final Project
Module: Authorship & Interaction
Ba (Hons) Graphic Communication Design
University of Westminster

Bhavika Gajipra